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Saturday 12 June 2021

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 20 Strange Talk


ClassClass 2
ChapterChapter 20
Chapter NameStrange Talk
Number of Questions14
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 20 Strange Talk
Hope Educational portal

Summary In English
This poem gives us the knowledge about the names of home of different animals. It also tells us how the different animals talk. At last, poet left us with the question that if they all speak together then they would not make any noise?

Summary In Hindi
यह कविता हमें विभिन्न जानवरों के घरों के नाम के बारे में जानकारी प्रदान करती है। यह हमें यह भी बताती है कि अलग-अलग जानवर कैसे बात करते हैं। अंत में कवि हमसे यह प्रश्न करता हैं कि यदि सभी जानवर एक साथ बोलने लगेंगे, तो क्या वे शोर नहीं मचाएँगे?

Hindi Translation Of The Poem
1. A little green frog lived under a log,
And every time he spoke,
Instead of saying, “Good morning”
He only said, “Croak-croak.”

एक छोटा, हरे रंग का मेढक लट्ठे के नीचे रहता था।
वह जब कभी भी मुँह खोलता,
सुप्रभात” की जगह
केवल “टर्र-टर्र” करता था।

Word-Meanings : Frog (फ्रॉग) -a tiny animal, मेढक Log (लॉग) – a piece of wood, लट्ठा। Instead (इनस्टेड) -in place of, के स्थान पर की बजाय।

2. A duck lived by the waterside,
And little did he lack,
But when we asked, “How do you do?”
He only said, “Quack-quack.”

एक जल के समीप की भूमि पर एक बतख रहती थी,
उसे किसी चीज़ की कमी न थी,
किंतु जब हम पूछते, “तुम कैसी हो?”
वह केवल इतना कहती-“क्वैक”

Word-Meanings : Waterside (वाटरसाइड) -Land by the edge of water, जल के समीप की भूमि। Lack (लैक) – missing, कमी।

3. A little pig lived in a sty,
As fat as he could be,
And when he asked for dinner
He cried aloud. “Wee-wee.”

एक छोटा-सा सुअर बाड़े में रहता था,
जितना हो सकता था, उतना वह मोटा था,
और जब वह रात का खाना माँगता,
वह जोर से चीखकर कहता- “वी.वी।”

Word-Meanings : Sty (स्टाई) -an enclosure for keeping pig सुआर बाड़ा।

4. Three pups lived in a kennel,
And loved to make a row,
And when they meant, “May we go out?”
They said, “Bow-wow! Bow-wow!”

एक कुत्ताघर में तीन पिल्ले रहते थे,
वे पंक्ति में चलना पसंद करते थे,
और जब वे कहना चाहते-“क्या हम बाहर जाएँ?”
वे केवल ‘भौं-भौं! भौं-भौं! करते थे।

word-Meanings : Pup (पप) -a baby dog, पिल्ला। Kennel (केनल) -a house of dog, कुत्ते का घर।

5. If all these animals talked as much
A little girls and boys,
And all of them tried to speak at once.
Wouldn’t it make a noise?

यदि ये सारे जानवर छोटे बच्चे-बच्चियों की तरह
बहुत ज्यादा बोलते हैं,
और यदि वे सभी एक साथ बोलेंगे
तो क्या वे शोर नहीं मचाएँगे?

word-Meanings : Noise (नॉइज) -sound, आवाज़

NCERT Textbook Questions

Reading is Fun
Question 1.
Are these sentences true or false?
ये वाक्य सही हैं या गलत?
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 20 Strange Talk Reading is Fun Q1

Let’s Talk
Question 1.
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 20 Strange Talk Lets Talk Q1
Seema talks a lot and her brother calls her ‘talkative’. Do you think Seema should talk?
सीमा बहुत ज्यादा बोलती है तथा उसका भाई उसे ‘बातूनी’ कहता है। क्या तुम ऐसा महसूस करते हो कि सीमा को बात करनी चाहिए?
(i) When the teacher is teaching in class?
जब शिक्षक कक्षा में पढ़ा रहे हों?

(ii) On the playground?
खेल के मैदान में?

(iii) While she is eating?
जब वह खा रही हो?

(iv) When mother asks her about what happened in school?
जब उसकी माँ उससे यह पूछती है कि उसके विद्यालय में क्या हुआ?

Let’s Write
Question 1.
Complete the questions with the words in the box:
बॉक्स में दिए गए शब्दों की सहायता से प्रश्नों को पूरा करोः
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 20 Strange Talk Lets Write Q1
(i) What is your name?
(ii) How old are you?
(iii) When do you play?
(v) Where do you live?

Question 2.
Tick (✓) the correct word:
सही शब्द पर (✓) का चिहन लगाओ।
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 20 Strange Talk Lets Write Q2

Question 3.
Make sentences using the following words:
दिए गए शब्दों की सहायता से वाक्य बनाओ।
(i) Is: He is a boy.
(ii) Are: Eesha and Anisha are friends.
(iii) Have: I have two pencils.
(iv) Has: He has a new toy car.
(v) Had: We had pizza last evening.

Question 4.
Write five lines on ‘My Pet’.
‘मेरा पालतू पशु’ पर पाँच पंक्तियाँ लिखो।
(i) I have a pet dog.
(ii) His name is Shanky.
(iii) He is so healthy and active.
(iv) He loves me very much.
(v) I often play with him.

Question 5.
Now let’s enjoy this poem:
आओ अब हम इस कविता का आनंद लें:
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 20 Strange Talk Lets Write Q5
The Wise Old Owl
A wise old owl
lived in an oak;
The more he saw,
the less he spoke;
The less he spoke,
the more he heard.
Why can’t we all be like that wise old owl?

Picture Story
Question 1.
Look a the pictures and tell a story about the Takative Tortoise.
इन चित्रों को देखो तथा बातूनी कछुए की एक कहानी सुनाओ।
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 20 Strange Talk Picture Story Q1
A Tale from the Panchtantra
This story is about three friends. Two birds and a tortoise. The tortoise is very talkative. They all are very good friends. On day they all decided to go somewhere. The tortoise moves very slow, so they decided to take him with the help of wooden stick. Tortoise held the stick in his mouth and birds carried the stick by holding it by both its ends. On the way, the talkative tortoise suddenly opened his mouth to say something. He lost the grip and fell on the ground and finally died. The two birds became shocked.

Let’s Copy and Write
Question 1.
Copy each question and then choose the right answer from the red box. One has been done for you.
प्रत्येक प्रश्न को लिखो तथा लाल बॉक्स में दिए। गए सही उत्तर का चुनाव करो। एक का उदाहरण तुम्हारी सुविधा के लिए दिया गया है।
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 20 Strange Talk Lets Copy and Write Q1
1. Is the man tall or short?
2. Is the woman tall or short?
3. Is the elephant big or small?
4. Is the mouse big or small?
5. Is the tree green or red?
6. Is the house green or red?
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 20 Strange Talk Lets Copy and Write Q1.1
1. Is the man tall or short?
He is tall.
2. Is the woman tall or short?
She is short.
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 20 Strange Talk Lets Copy and Write Q2
3. Is the elephant big or small?
It is big.
4. Is the mouse big or small?
It is small.
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 20 Strange Talk Lets Copy and Write Q4
5. Is the tree green or red?
It is green.
6. Is the house green or red?
It is red.

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