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Tuesday 25 May 2021

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 9 Merry-Go-Round

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 9 Merry-Go-Round

Summary In English
In this poem, the child is enjoying the swinging on the Merry-go-round. She sits on the brown colour wooden horse which takes her up and down. She is really enjoying Merry-go-round.

Summary In Hindi
इस कविता में एक बच्ची चक्करदार झूले में झूल रही है। वह एक लकड़ी के बने भूरे रंग के घोड़े पर बैठी है, जो उसे ऊपर नीचे ले जाता है। वह बच्ची चक्करदार झूले का खूब आनंद ले रही है।

Hindi Translation Of The Poem

1. I climbed up on the merry-go-round,
And it went round and round.
I climbed up on a big brown horse,
And it went up and down.
Around and round
And up and down,
Around and round
And up and down.

मैं चक्करदार झूले पर बैठी,
और यह गोल-गोल घूमने लगा।
मैं एक बड़े भूरे घोड़े पर बैठी,
यह मुझे ऊपर-नीचे ले गया।
चारों तरफ़ चक्कर लगाता रहा
चारों तरफ गोल-गोल

Word-Meanings: Climbed (क्लाइम्ड) – to go up, ऊपर चढ़ना Merry-Go-round (मेरी-गो- राउंड)-a swing, झूला Round (राउंड)-in a shape of circle, गोल।

2. I sat high up
On a big brown horse
And rode around
On the merry-go-round
And rode around
On the merry-go-round
I rode around
On the merry-go-round
And round
And round.

में एक बड़े
भूरे घोड़े के ऊपर
चढ़कर बैठ गई।
इस चक्करदार झूले पर मैं
चारों तरफ घूमने लगी।
चक्करदार झूले पर मैं,

घूमने लगी,
चारों तरफ।
और गोल और

Word-Meanings: Horse (हॉर्स) – an animal, घोड़ा। Around (अराउंड) – on each side, चारों तरफ। Sat (सैट)-sit, बैठना। Rode (रॉड) – to sit on the horse back and control the horse, घोड़े पर सवार होकर इसे नियंत्रित करना।

NCERT Textbook Questions

Let’s Read
I ride on a horse.

Reading is Fun
Question 1
How did the merry-go-round go?
चक्करदार झूला किस प्रकार से चलता था?
It moved round and around.

Question 2
How did the big brown horse go?
बड़ा भूरा घोड़ा कैसे चलता था?
The big brown horse went up and down.

Let’s Talk
Question 1
Have you seen a merry-go-round?
क्या तुमने चक्करदार झुला देखा है?
Yes, I have seen a merry-go-round.

Question 2
Where have you seen it?
तुमने इसे कहाँ देखा है?
I have seen it in a park and in a fair.

Question 3
Would you like to go to a fair?
क्या तुम किसी मेले में जाना पसंद करोगे?
Yes, I like to go to a fair.

Let’s Share
Question 1
Look at this picture and describe the fair.
नीचे दिए गए चित्र को देखा तथा मले का वर्णन करो।
NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 9 Merry-Go-Round Lets Share Q1
This is a picture of a fair. Everybody is enjoying their time in the fair. Some children are enjoying merry go-round and some are enjoying a toy train. Some of them are buying balloons. Some of the children are buying the toys from the toy shop. The parents also look happy as their children are enjoying.

Question 2
Talk about the things you enjoy at a fair.
उन चीजों का वर्णन करो, जिनका आनंद तुमने मेल में उठाया है।
I enjoy all the swings, specially the merry-go-round. I enjoy buying new toys. I also enjoy the magic show from the magician. I also enjoy the adventure car show in the wooden well. I also enjoy eating devious food-items there.

Question 3
Go round the merry-go-round, circle the letters.
चक्करदार झूले का गोल चक्कर लगाओ। इनमें अक्षरों को खोजा तथा इन्हें ज़ोर से बोलो।
NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 9 Merry-Go-Round Lets Share Q3
Do it yourself

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